Tuesday, January 31, 2006

i love the words "ping pong"

and that other similar game but on a bigger court with the fuzzy yellow ball, thwack pop. or when the ladies play it, it's called thwack pop eryah! (that'd be tennis, for those not following along at home).

i love the name 'ping pong'. it takes the language back to a phonetic simplicity that mimics aural/visual. onamatapeia is a child's playground.

"buzz" "snore" "sneeze" "barf" are all great words. short, sweet, evocative. so un-british. uncouth. uncivil. well, civilized behaviour is just putting a muzzle on the end of the shotgun you kill your neighbor with, or so it seems on bay street, so let couthness be damned.

those who try to separate themselves from animals the most end up justifying animalistic/barbaric behaviour as being the most civilized simply because they do it. like religious leaders who claim that they can kill because god told them to.

forgive me, i'm rereading the chrysalids (of chrysalis - such a good title for this book, or not? easy, or not? is easy easy or hard? it's generally hard).

anyway, maybe i'll write an entire book in onamatapeia.

toilet humour abounds - fart, wretch, puke, etc.

"so i got my dick up this chick's ass"... remember that?? damn that was funny at the time, and just stupid now.

kind of like throwing "witches" into the lake with rocks tied to their feet - if they sank they were witches, and if they somehow came free, then they weren't witches because god freed them. hilarious.

that's why a healthy dose of acknowledgement of our ignorance about everything should be at play, especially when it comes to persecuting human beings. and also why religion scares the shit out of me. anyone who claims to know something absolutely about someone/something outside themselves is not to be trusted.

we use religion to justify our evilness. further proof that the bible was written by satan as the greatest trick of all time. the 'real' bible written by god would probably read like a children's book, full of onamatapeia, and basically just say "love" "laugh at farts", "get buzzed a lot".

All your base are belong to us


Zack Cooper said...

That was an incredible post that beautifully came full-circle at the end.

While this is not the place for me to divulge all my beliefs (or lack thereof) in regards to religion, I can whole-heartedly say - "AGREED" to how the uber-attached to the extraneous are not to be trusted.

Fantastic read... Speaking of which, I haven't read "Chrysalids" (sp?) since grade 9. Damn that was a long time ago.

Zack Cooper said...

oh yeah... I meant to ask if you'd ever been to Salem.

Freaky ish, man...

Comrade Chicken said...

I love this one, Ferg.