Tuesday, September 13, 2005

This is how they get you

that little face kills me. My Aunt Evelyn's dogs that were kicking around when me and my gal were back home in the summer.

Funny how cute things are when they are tiny. Why does this dog get a free pass with me, just because it could be one of the cutest things i've ever seen? He could be a vicious killer. Maybe that look into the camera is saying "if i were a foot taller, you'd be coming out of my ass in 2 two days, buddy". We have these predispositions to people based on how they look. "he looks like a nice guy", "he looks trustworthy", "she looks stuck up".

Considering that we all understand how we wear masks in our day to day life, and knowing that looks are deceiving, it's incredible that we can assume someone is X by the way they look. I think, perhaps, that the way someone's face/shape/movements are does in fact shape the person they become.

The kid that looks a bit like a geek, gets treated like a geek, becomes a geek.
The pretty girl who is given everything along the way becomes accustomed to being a princess, and is a princess.

Of course we have deviations, but perhaps there is something to physiogyny (i'm too lazy to look it up, but it was big in the 17th and early 18th centuries as a way of knowing someone's personality by the shape of their face). It's been around a long time, and we would still take one look at a door to door salesman and decide right then and their if we should listen to them. We would do the same thing in a bar, at a job interview (no, none to speak of, thanks for asking), on the street - there are types of people that come up to you in toronto and ask for change - sometimes you give, sometimes you don't - why? Because of their 'looks'.

If you look like a dumb bully as a child, you may be treated as a dumb bully. As you grow up, reacting to that treatment, you become shaped by it. Are you YOU? Or are you a product of what others think YOU are?

Why do taller people earn more money? Because 'taller' is a relative term (in china i'm tall, in canada, not so much), and shorter people 'look up' to (literally and figuratively) taller people, assigning them traits they may/may not have - but by the time they have developed, they have assumed a superiority over shorter people that shorter people have given them? I don't have the answers, i'm merely a vessel of infinitely pointless questions.

I believe my size and my look lend people to believe i'm intelligent. I'm not sure exactly why, but I think it's the case. I will constantly prove people wrong, but they insist i'm making a joke, or think i'm saying something deeper than they understand. so i live a lie that other people forge for me, which, in my case, i'm happy to oblige them. wouldn't want to ruffle their worldview.
that said, i did make the dean's honour list for english. I've started putting it on my resume, because i can't think of what else to do with the 'honour'.


the boy who changed everything, my telefilm pitch, got canned and an older project called "the saint john's" was resurrected, and rightfully so. i've finished it and will be sending it off shortly. the next couple of weeks will be spent prepping the application, contacting producers about my second draft of 'screech', the newfie musical that is HILARIOUS, if i do say so myself, and applying to teacher's college. i still haven't found a job.

1 comment:

Comrade Chicken said...

Maybe some people think you're smart because somewhere in the awesomes and the dudes and the shout outs that make up the sandwich that comprises you, there is a smear of wisdom that's as pungent as stilton and lingers longer than garlic.

I don't think it has to do with your face as much as it does your hat.

xo! A Tall Person