Saturday, August 13, 2005

too long, too little

forgive the time between posts. I finished my exams for my undergrad degree and have hopped straight into the job hunting fire. i met with a headhunter, i hunted online, and i took a 7 day job being a PA on a film. i've never been a PA. it's funny that my first job in film was on a writing team, and my most recent one is as a PA. it's supposed to be the other way around. i wonder what other things i'm doing backwards.

all i know is that after two 11 hour shifts i'm exhausted. the reason isn't that 11 hours is too long, or that i stayed up all night. the reason is that i'm bored out of my fucking mind. without my brain having anything to do, i'm as good as dead. when i'm in the office, i am simply there to answer the phone. the only time i'm feeling okay is when i'm out driving, which isn't enough. on the plus side, they did rent me a dodge magnum just like this, which is a pretty gangsta car. at least there are only 5 more days.

the boy who changed everything, my next film project, is coming along. i've managed to scribble down a light outline at work to try to retain my sanity, and maybe i have something, maybe i don't. too early to tell. but instead of the kid finding oil, it may be treasure. not sure. i can work in the newfoundlanders who coaxed ships towards hidden rocky shoals so they could plunder them. my people. robin hoods of the east. fortunately, they were the poor, so robbing from the rich to give to the poor still rings of nobility, even though they just kept it for themselves which, i guess, is technically in line with robin hood.

i wish i had something interesting to say, but unfortunately, i'm all out for the moment. i could regale you with stories of producers being wankers, or stacey getting a free ipod from the bay for showing up at one of their functions for people in the magazine business, but these aren't that interesting. when you work such long deadening hours, life is reduced to the minutiae of the mundane.

i will post soon. my mood will soar as i approach the end of my PA career and with it, the quality of my posts.

1 comment:

Comrade Chicken said...

I remember when a young man and his lady came to inaugurate my back deck. I nearly fell through the near rotted thing. On that occasion that young man said to me, "You're one of the Lucky People, aren't you? See, I recognise Lucky People because I am a Lucky Person."

Don't forget.

And stop worrying about the money. Sometimes doing the stuff you hate brings you closer to fighting for the things you love. Do the stuff you love and the money will take care of itself. That's how it goes in the Material Continuum.

Anyway, it's not as if Stacey's going to let you buy a house or anything. ;)

Much love to you and yours!