Monday, October 30, 2006

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My father's ashes were spread out here.
Here lies my father.
Here lies many of our fathers.

Thinking about my nothingness gives me great comfort. How can there be stress in the world when we know we end up here? That we are all simply molecules, gifted for a brief time with unity, and destined to seed the oceans and skies and earth until the sun implodes.

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that photo, from 1929, has the house i was to inhabit 44 years after it was taken. i was brought home to that spot.

here it is now, slightly different, after i have lived here:

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there is no sign.
no record.
no proof.
i came, left.
left my father.
like his father was left in england.
like your father's father was left.

there is no record.
there is no proof.

EXCEPT that which we have right now, onto which we blast ourselves every day, shadows, onto other people, other lives, connecting ourselves through history. we are one people, striving towards a commonality, from a commonality. we are god.

the ecosystem is humanity.
the corpus is memory.
we are socialized towards individualism in the west.
we lose our purpose.
get lost on our way to the ocean.

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