Thursday, October 05, 2006

i wake at 6 am, carpool with 2 classmates who live nearby, and spend 3 of 5 days a week on campus, in class, full time in Hamilton (the other two days i am at a school working/observing/teaching). we go as a group from class to class to class. classes start at 8 am. classes end at 4:30 pm.

during that time, we are focused, listening, participating, actively engaged. it's quite exhausting. there is so much work to do that for the first 2 weeks i gave up. people were dropping out, i was ignoring assignments that were due. it was hell. hell.

my lovely gal sat me down and had me plan out in Outlook, every single thing due, chapter needing reading, etc. etc. it calmed me somewhat. but every day i want to get completely shit-faced when i get home so i can forget about the mountain of work i need to get down that night.

i haven't played basketball this month. (i believe i have played twice since school started). too much too do.

what i am realizing is that a) i am not a very organized person, and b) i prefer libations.

there are not a lot of attractive girls at teacher's college. yes. we all know this, because we never really had crushes on our teacher's. sure, there may have been one or two, but some of those along the way were based on the 'best there is, for a teacher anyway'.

this is a sad realization when there are 185 women in a school of 200.

women are not the focus of this blog.

the focus of this blog is me pretending that i'm engaging in some other existence, one in which poeple have time to blog. i am supposed to be planning a lesson for a class i'm teaching on wednesday, but the lesson plan is due for review with my teacher tomorrow.


the stress creeps. thoughts of wine or hash creep into my head. at least at least at least this is a long weekend, and i can spend it BLASTED!!! no... wrong word. WORKING was the one i was looking for.

happy thanksgiving, everyone. may you deserve every drop, drag, and drumstick!

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