Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I haven't posted in two weeks. sorry, faithful reader, but i have no time. Although it's 8 o'clock at night, i am still working. I work straight through every day, from the time i wake up, until the time i retire.

it's more than stressful, but i'm on this train and i goddamn well intend on finishing it.

i did play basketball last night, and got caught up in the beauty of feeling like i didn't have to be anywhere. i had so much worked piled up that being behind a little doesn't feel like a problem. so i stayed until 9:30. it was heaven. I have missed many many nights of basketball since school started. I generally only play one night a week (plus sundays), and even then, i leave early. but last night, i revelled in the chain that binds my leg, i laughed at it, sneered at it, jeered and cheered and leered at it, and pretended that it had had its day.

of course i'm paying for it now. being here. tied to the computer. tomorrow the cycle renews.

but in that two and a half hour of glory, i was free, and i knew it. icarus, back arched to the sun!

those moments are worth these moments.

merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream.

i spend my saturday's catching up on my week, and getting a jump on the next.
my dear friend hinto called today to see if i had time, an hour, to have tea and discuss all of his newfound knowledge after a brief west coast sojourn, but i could not even answer the phone.

here's a typical day: woke at 6:30. to the school i teach at for 8:20. home by 5 - 5:30. work until 10:30. floss teeth. prep food for tomorrow. brush teeth. lay in bed with gal for 15 brief minutes and discuss the day. kiss. sleep. repeat.

who knew teacher's college was this laborious? clearly not me. to those who answered yes to that question, i can only say, "why didn't you warn me, you bastard!".

just kidding.

the students are incredible. i love them. i love that they exist. i love that you exist too.

and a happy birthday to my gal, and to Joel, and to Hinto, and to Cindy, and... who am i missing? Half the people i know are Libra's. and I love them all too.

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