Saturday, September 30, 2006

absolute power

ABC News reported Friday that Foley also engaged in a series of sexually explicit instant messages with current and former pages, all male. In one message, ABC said, Foley wrote to one page, "Do I make you a little horny?"

In another message, Foley wrote, "You in your boxers, too? ... Well, strip down and get relaxed."

Foley, as chairman of the Missing and Exploited Children's Caucus, had introduced legislation in July to protect children from exploitation by adults over the Internet. He also sponsored other legislation designed to protect minors from abuse and neglect.

"We track library books better than we do sexual predators," Foley has said.

Foley, who represented an area around Palm Beach County, e-mailed the page in August 2005.

Foley asked him how he was doing after Hurricane Katrina and what he wanted for his birthday. The congressman also asked the boy to send a photo of himself, according to excerpts of the e-mails that were originally released by ABC News.

forgive me for posting this week old news, but i find it so incredible that a once great nation has fallen so far that even its pedophiles are in power, making laws.

exxon executives are in charge of environmental policy, oil-men are in charge of militaries that fight in oil-rich countries, a misogynist ignoramus is in charge of the richest state in the country, meetings with the president can be bought and sold, and in canada we had a highschool drop out in charge of education.

it is no surprise that america is one of the least educated nations in the developed world. and those in power can stay there because of it. it's time for a revolution, but everyone's too drunk on religion, meth, television, or good old fashioned ignorance, to do a goddamned thing. so to america::: you get the future that you deserve.

all those terrorists that are building up to fight against you due to this unjust war? they're yours, you made them, you are complicit because you never stopped your country from fighting, never wrote your congressman, never joined a war protest, never made a stand.

doing nothing is a political act. you voted with your remote control, you voted with your walmart and your SUV. you voted with your arrogance. the terrorists target you because it is you. your stock markets, your globalization, your quest for profits, your decisions, are all coming back to haunt you.

in all globalizing processes there are winners and losers. when you create too many losers, revolution begins to boil. the more losers, the more unrest, and the more unrest, the more dictatorial an approach is taken to maintain the financial status quo, until finally the barberians storm the gate. history gives us numerous examples of an upper class that gets too top complacent, too corrupt, too greedy, too vile, and too top heavy. are we there yet?

you can't keep fucking up forever. you can't keep doing the immoral, the wrong, the unjust, the cruel, forever. somewhere, someone is going to have had enough.

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