Tuesday, July 04, 2006

July 4th, my independence day

I'm back.

Friday was my last day of editing at Desjardins. It had been seven months of heavy lifting with my eyes. Needless to say, my eyes had become quite tired. When I got promoted recently to more hours and less pay, I was thrilled enough to quit.

And so this is where you, my delightful readers, come in!

If anyone knows of any jobs coming up, writing, editing, proofreading, fact checking, you name it, I just wanted you all to remember that I have returned to the world.

To all those who were let down when you called me during my exile on Bay Street and I was unavailable, I'm here to patch things up.

A quick refresher:

I am still writing a sex and relationship advice column for Chatelaine.com.
I have been a staff writer on two television series, writing three episodes and story editing countless others.
I have been awarded Telefilm funding four times for two feature films I have written.
I have had a documentary film and a dramatic movie-of-the-week optioned,
and now I have worked as a business editor for 7 months on Bay Street.
I am currently applying to Telefilm for funding and finishing a children's novel.

I am qualified for something. If anyone knows what that something is, and it pays in dollars, please let me know so I can get down to business... or, as I prefer to say:



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