Monday, July 24, 2006

at 3 weeks

three weeks into my new unemployment.
i was paid for my first two weeks. my boss wants to keep me on retainer in case i decide to return. here's hoping that she still feels i'm worth it come week's end.

all i have been doing since leaving work has been blasting through my novel, as i can't imagine having a lot of time for it when i start school and i'd like to be shopping it while i'm in school. i am in love with it.

the novel, though for children, is such an intricate allegory that it's slowing me down. i'm chopping the finer points of metaphor out and focusing on the heroine and her fall from grace. yes, kids, it's a children's novel. they'll love it. trust me. i know all about kids, having spent the greater part of my 20's being one.

most of my friends are 30+. none have children. this suddenly strikes me as odd. when my father was my age, 32, he left his 8 children and wife and fled to newfoundland from england. he was a schoolteacher, and moved to newfoundland and became a professor of english.

i, on the other hand, have no children, and, at 32, have enrolled in school to become a schoolteacher. am i my father in reverse?? this is very confusing. is this why none of my 3 other siblings have children, of which i am the second youngest? we'll have them when we're 62 and then leave them all...

brilliant. i'll teach someone elses.

I did have a wonderful baccanalian weekend, biking, drinking, herbing, eating like a god, and karaokeing my way into nirvana. (the photo above is of my rendition of "we're not gonna take it", which i'll have you know brought down the house, a fact i am not shy to admit)

I generally think of my disposition as sunny, or positive, or cheerful. i get this from my parents. a gift. my father had a 'glass half full' mentality, except when it came to his wine glass, in which case it was always half empty.

may we all be so fortunate.

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