Monday, May 08, 2006

MY Member of Parliament responds: have at 'er, Ms Chow

Dear Fergus

I appreciate knowing of your concern about this very serious matter that raises privacy issues such as confidential data being in the hands of unaccountable private corporations.

It's an outrage that an American munitions company was handed a contract to handle Canadian census data. Many Canadians like you have told me that they don’t trust Lockheed Martin with their private information and they don’t want an arms company doing the next census. We need to protect that privacy and reassure Canadians that when they participate in the census, their personal information won’t end up in some corporate database. Along with the federal NDP Caucus, I have challenged the federal government to tear up the contract with Lockheed Martin, saying the costs of a redoing a boycotted census will be less than getting out of the deal. For more information on our efforts in this matter, please visit:

Please be assured that the NDP will continue to seek a positive resolution to this issue.

Olivia Chow, MPTrinity-Spadina

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