Friday, April 21, 2006


i have also set this up. not many pics yet. i have to digitize them first.
it looks like fergusdecker is sticking as an alias.

i should rename this site that too, but i'm too lazy, and have such a wonderful readership (170 last week, thanks people).

and of course, i have my cousin recently set up shop and dropped in - shout out to josh.

so i'm reaching out. i have a need to communicate something, anything, to anyone. to prove that i exist? to feel like i exist? i'm not sure. i'll stop posting when i find out. promise.

work is still for suckers. but summer makes it so much easier. i can see the sun.

driving to work is stupid if you own a bike (if you work at the bottom of a hill, and live at the top of a hill, as i do). and if you don't own a bike, and live in toronto, you're also stupid. sorry, it's that simple.

loans tie you into the grid.

i want black and white answers to a world i know is shaded grey.

the more i learn, the less i know.


Unknown said...

nope, no reunion for $$, but I'm tentatively planning for next year.

I'm jealous that you have so many readers...then again I've have no pressure on me to perform because I have...two readers, my mom and yours.

Zack Cooper said...

"i want black and white answers to a world i know is shaded grey."

Man, that shit is beautiful...