Monday, August 28, 2006

so little time to write to you, my dear dear readers.

blogging requires a 'vibe', an introspective demeanour that i am currently spending on my novel and my navel.

school beckons! a week tomorrow.
the end of an era, the beginning of a new.

i drove to hamilton to view it, finding the whole scene quite novel and lovely. change is always invigorating. a year ago i finished my english degree. then 7 months at Desjardins. now this.

my one lone writing gig, the wise guys column for chatelaine, has been murdered. many changes at chatelaine, as the few people i had known there have been recently let go. they have offered to let me pitch them ideas, however, which is lovely and kind and i will take them up on it. i will miss, however, the joys of reading how absolutely fucked up we all are. humanity, you cold cruel comedienne.

i just want to own a dog, get drunk every day, and just bob in the waves of love forever and ever and ever.

i have been listening to this singer/songwriter of late. the singing part starts around 1:25 if you want to jump ahead.


Anonymous said...

Terrence Stamp! That made my day! Wonderful vid.


FC said...

i know! where old legends go to die, at least on film...