Tuesday, June 20, 2006

the curse

i need money for school

my job is making me more miserable than i can imagine

i need money for debts

my job is making me spend money to manage my miserableness

i need money for a house

my job doesn't pay me enough to comfortably shack up in the city

lesson? i need money. i hate my job. welcome to the rat race.

i'm so tired, so depressed when i get home, that i have no energy to do anything other than think about what i would rather be doing if i had the energy.

my new job just expanded my hours, from 7-5.

so far i have worked from 7-6:15, and from 7-5. who knows what tomorrow holds!

forget about making plans! because you'll never know when you'll be done!

forget about having nerd monday with your friends! mondays will generally have me leaving work at 8, as I found out today i'm in charge of the metals and mining weekly (a report that goes to print every monday)!

forget about playing basketball, i can barely think, let alone play a sport for 3 hours.

forget about doing anything during the week, because i've become a moron: i have no wit left, no energy for kindness, no energy for compassion, i'm dead. i have to be in bed by 10:30 at the latest, to repeat the cycle. come friday night, i'm dead, so i get saturday. come sunday, i'm already thinking about monday. one 'free' day.

what kind of life is this...
how have we locked ourselves into this?

i saw a homeless man sleeping in the park after work and saw only freedom.

fuck this


japaja said...

i dont know why you would need advice from me.
but my conclusion on that topic is that it is each man's responsibility to find him(her)self work that does not require such a huge commitment, to find work that is more relaxed, that is in better environments, that can be worked from home!....
if your work is taking up so much of your time and more importantly energy it is your responsibilty to organize your life in such a way that it doesnt.
Thinking of how hard it is to live in this system, why it got to that and so on... Is interesting for me, but does nothing for you, me .... The only way is to stop doing it and see what other opportunities there are.

I don't know, but that is my beleife currently.

What do you think?

FC said...

yeah, i hear you. i am in the process of changing this up.

my problem probably comes from the fact that i have spent the past 8 years basically working from home as a writer, now i'm working on bay street as an editor: a bit of a change up.

i'm quitting in 2-6 weeks. not much longer now.

i agree, though, that we are responsible for our happiness.

if people are unhappy and unable to change, it is not because they can't, but because they are not really that unhappy, or as unhappy as they think they might be if they take the risk to change.

thanks for posting.